Archive for the ‘Sweet Adelines’ Category

On The Road Again
December 14, 2006

Cat Greenleaf, Lifestyle Contributor

I have a hard time saying no to a few things in my life. And anyone over 65 who has ever asked me to do anything will tell you that I absolutely cannot refuse a senior citizen, no matter what. That is precisely how the Sweet Adelines Brooklyn Chorus got me to sing “On the Road Again” by Willie Nelson with them this week.

Despite my feeble protests, I was a goner. And then, despite my feeble singing, it was a ball. These gals are spirited, talented, and as their name promises, sweet.
A minor side note (pun intended): the first concert I ever attended was “Willie Nelson’s 4th of July Family Picnic” in New Jersey, about a million years ago, with my sister and my dad. That’s pretty embarrassing, but not half as bad as my performance with the Sweet Adelines.

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