Notes From Iraq

Cat Greenleaf, Lifestyle Contributor

While we were covering a story in Grand Army Plaza a few months back, we happened to meet a young soldier who had just learned he was about to ship off to Iraq for a year. He and his fiancee had only a few days notice to pull together a wedding which had originally been planned for months down the road. We became instantly invited guests to their impromptu ceremony and have kept in touch via email since that day.

This morning, our soldier gave us permission to share his perceptions of what his life is like on the ground in Iraq. We’re honored that he’s opened his world to us, and we will protect him by withholding his name and the names of his family members.
For as long as he is willing to share with us, we will continue to share his words with you:

Hey Cat,
Not much to really write about. We’re in a basic routine right now. We have a little fun whenever we can and do our jobs. I have some digital footage out in town but I’ll have to send it later.

People are poor out here but they’re still living day to day. We drive through and get the looks. I gauge whether I’m in a friendly neighborhood by how many people wave back when I wave. If I get 1 in five 5 its not looking good. The kids always wave, so if you don’t get a wave from the kids or a look of excitement, time to worry.

The situation over here is weird and I have to say even though I’m here it’s even more confusing to me and I can’t really say what is working and what isn’t. The one thing I can say is that despite the poverty in some areas, its not like in the States. It doesn’t go hand in hand with drug abuse and domestic violence.

Iraqis as a whole are tough people so they’ll be okay. Anyway I will keep in touch and I should be home in April. I’m expecting. Well [my wife] is expecting, I think I mentioned that but I’m not sure.., and I’ll try and get leave for that due date. She knows the sex of the baby but she’s not telling me, wants me to twist in the wind for a bit. I’m happy though and can’t wait to be a dad.

One Response

  1. Good stuff, Cat. Keep up the great work. You’re really wonderful on the Early Show. I look forward to your spots.
    Best wishes…

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